Mes publications
L’éjaculation prématurée : compréhension et traitement par la thérapie sexofonctionnnelle
L’éjaculation prématurée est la problématique sexuelle la plus fréquente que rencontrent les thérapeutes dans leur pratique.
Grâce aux informations que vous allez découvrir dans cet ouvrage, vous allez devenir en mesure de traiter avec succès et de manière durable cette dysfonction.
La thérapie sexofonctionnelle est à l’heure actuelle le traitement le plus polyvalent et le plus complet de l’éjaculation prématurée. Elle procure des résultats bien plus probants que les antidépresseurs et les crèmes anesthésiantes. Des recherches expérimentales d’envergure menées à l’Université du Québec à Montréal et à l’Université catholique de Louvain attestent de son efficacité.
Cet ouvrage de référence fera de vous un spécialiste hors pair de l’éjaculation prématurée. Commandez-le dès maintenant !
Mon prochain ouvrage sur la thérapie sexofonctionnelle
Mon prochain livre est intitulé : « La thérapie sexofonctionnelle. Fondements théoriques et applications cliniques ».
Ce livre vous expliquera comment la thérapie sexofonctionnelle est LA solution pour soulager vos patients de leurs problématiques sexuelles.
Il apporte un éclairage nouveau sur la causalité des dysfonctions sexuelles et offre des solutions inédites pour les traiter.
La sexologie ne sera plus jamais la même après sa parution.
Le complément parfait de votre formation en sexologie!
Mes publications
De Carufel F., & Bonhomme, E. Le trouble de l’érection. In FX Poudat (Ed.) Sexualité couple et TCC.Les Difficulités sexuelles. Volume 1. Issy-les-Moulineaux : Elsevier Masson, 2011.
De Carufel F. La sexologie. In E Dandenault (Ed.) Le dictionnaire Dandenault de la langue Française. Montréal, 2009.
Bourguignon M. et de Carufel F. Quand et comment initier le sujet de la sexualité avec ses patients ? Réalités en Gynécologie-Obstétrique/Sexologie, 121, 2, 5-9, 2007.
De Carufel F. Les zones de la courbe d’excitation sexuelle de l’homme. Réalités en Gynécologie-Obstétrique/Sexologie, 121, 2, 15-21, 2007.
De Sutter P., Reynaert C., Van Broeck N., et de Carufel F. Traitement de l’éjaculation précoce par une approche bibliothérapeutique cognitivo-comportementale sexologique. Journal de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive, 12, 131-136, 2002.
De Carufel F. L’approche sexocorporelle et la fonctionnalité sexuelle. Cahiers des Sciences Familiales et Sexologiques, 13, 109-119, 1990.
De Carufel F. et De Sutter P – under the pen names of Carr F & Sutter P – Confidential File 101. New York : Anglehart Press, 2001.
Nicholas, A., Brody, S., de Sutter, P., & de Carufel, F. (2008).A woman’s history of vaginal orgasm is discernible from her walk. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 5, 2119-2124.
De Carufel F. & Trudel G. (2006).Effects of a New Functional-sexological Treatment for Premature Ejaculation. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 32, 97-114.
Lavoisier, P., Proulx, J., Courtois, F., & de Carufel F. (1989).Bulbocavernosus Reflex: Its Validity as a Diagnostic Test of Neurogenic Impotence. The Journal of Urology, 141, 311-314.
Lavoisier, P., Proulx, J., Courtois, F., de Carufel F., & Durand, L. (1988). Relationship between Perineal Muscle Contractions, Penile Tumescence and Penile Rigidity During Nocturnal Erections. The Journal of Urology, 139, 176-179.
D’autres publications qui appuient la TSF
Brody, S., & Costa, R.M. (2013). Insecure attachment is related to more anal sex and vibrator orgasm but less vaginal orgasm. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10, 614-615.
De Sutter P., Doyen Doyen V. Érection: Roman sexo-informatif; Paris: Odile Jacob, 2018.
Debray Q, De Sutter P, Pham TH,, Louville P.L’Addiction sexuelle : Idées reçues sur une souffrance méconnue. Paris: Le Cavalier bleu, 2013.
De Sutter P.La sexualité des gens heureux. Paris : Les Arènes, 2009.
Meyer C, Routier C, De Sutter P., Guéritault V., Van Rillaer J.Les Nouveaux Psys. Paris : Les Arènes, 2008.
De Sutter P. Comment le plaisir sexuel vient aux femmes. Réalités en Gynécologie-Obstétrique/Sexologie, 101, 13-20. 2005.
De Sutter P. La sexualité sans la psychanalyse. In C. Meyer (Ed)Le livre noir de la psychanalyse. Paris : Les Arènes, 2005.
De Sutter P. & Chatton D. Usage clinique de l’approche sexo-corporelle. Revue médicale Suisse, 4,31-39, 2004.
Brody, S. & Weiss, P. (2015). Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: Interrelationships and psychosexual factors. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12, 398-404.
Costa, R.M., & Brody, S. (2015). Female sexual function and heart rate variability. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 40, 377-378.
Klapilová, K., Brody, S., Krejčová, L., Husárová, B., & Binter, J. (2015).Sexual satisfaction, sexual compatibility, and relationship adjustment in couples: the role of sexual behaviors, orgasm and men’s discernment of women’s intercourse orgasm. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12, 667-675.
Brody, S., & Costa, R.M. (2013). Insecure attachment is related to more anal sex and vibrator orgasm but less vaginal orgasm. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10, 614-615.
Brody, S., Hess, U., & Costa, R.M. (2013). “Standard Operating Procedures for Female Orgasmic Disorder” is not based on best evidence. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10, 2606-2609.
Brody, S., Klapilova, K., & Krejčová, L. (2013).More frequent vaginal orgasm is associated with experiencing greater excitement from deep vaginal stimulation. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10, 1730-1736.
Leeners, B., Kruger, T.H.C., Brody, S., Schmidlin, S., Naegeli, E., & Egli, M. (2013). The quality of sexual experience in women correlates with post-orgasmic prolactin surges: results from an experimental prototype study. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10,1313-1319.
Brody, S., & Weiss, P. (2012). Simultaneous penile-vaginal orgasm is associated with sexual satisfaction. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9, 2476-2477.
Costa, R.M., & Brody, S. (2012).Greater resting heart rate variability is associated with orgasms through penile-vaginal intercourse, but not with orgasms from other sources. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9, 188-197.
Jannini, E.A., Rubio-Casillas, A., Whipple, B., Buisson, O., Komisaruk, B.R., & Brody, S. (2012).Female orgasm(s): one, two, several. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9, 956-965.
Brody, S. & Weiss, P. (2011).Simultaneous penile-vaginal intercourse orgasm is associated with satisfaction (sexual, life, partnership, and mental health). Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8, 734-741.
Costa, R.M., & Brody, S. (2011). Anxious and avoidant attachment, vibrator use, anal sex, and impaired vaginal orgasm. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8, 2493-2500.
Komisaruk, B.R., Wise, N., Frangos, E., Liu, W-C., Allen, K., & Brody, S. (2011). Women’s clitoris, vagina and cervix mapped on the sensory cortex: fMRI evidence. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8, 2822-2830.
Tao, P., & Brody, S. (2011).Sexual behavior predictors of satisfaction in a Chinese sample. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8, 455-460.
Weiss, P., & Brody, S. (2011).International index of erectile function (IIEF) scores generated by men or female partners correlate equally well with own satisfaction (sexual, partnership, life, and mental health). Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8, 1404-1410.
Brody, S. (2010).Body mass index but not pulse pressure is associated with lesser penile-vaginal intercourse frequency in healthy young men. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 1853-1857.
Brody, S. (2010).The relative health benefits of different sexual activities. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 1336-1361.
Brody, S., & Weiss, P. (2010).Vaginal orgasm is associated with vaginal (not clitoral) sex education, focusing mental attention on vaginal sensations, intercourse duration, and a preference for a longer penis. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 2774-2781.
Brody, S., & Weiss, P. (2010).Heterosexual anal intercourse: increasing prevalence, and association with sexual dysfunction, bisexual behavior and venereal disease history. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 37, 298–306.
Costa, R. M., & Brody, S. (2010).Immature psychological defense mechanisms are associated with lesser vaginal orgasm consistency and greater alcohol consumption before sex. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 775-786.
Brody, S., & Costa, R. M. (2009). Satisfaction (sexual, life, relationship, and mental health) is associated directly with penile-vaginal intercourse but inversely with other sexual behavior frequencies. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 6, 1947-1954.
Weiss, P., & Brody, S. (2009).Women’s partnered orgasm consistency is associated with greater duration of penile-vaginal intercourse but not of foreplay. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 6, 135-141.
Weiss, P., & Brody, S. (2009).Female sexual arousal disorder with and without a distress criterion: prevalence and correlates in a representative Czech sample. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 6, 3385-3394.
Brody, S., & Costa, R. M. (2008).Vaginal orgasm is associated with less use of immature psychological defense mechanisms. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 5, 1167-1176.
Costa, R. M. & Brody, S. (2007).Women’s relationship quality is associated with specifically penile-vaginal intercourse orgasm and frequency. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 33, 319-327.
Brody, S. (2006).Blood pressure reactivity to stress is better for people who recently had penile-vaginal intercourse than for people who had other or no sexual activity. Biological Psychology, 71, 214-222.
Brody, S., & Krüger, T.H.C. (2006).The post-orgasmic prolactin increase following intercourse is greater than following masturbation and suggests greater satiety. Biological Psychology, 71, 312-315.
Brody, S. (2003). Alexithymia is inversely associated with women’s frequency of vaginal intercourse. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 32, 73-77.
De Sutter P., & Reynaert C. (2004). Bibliotherapy: a tool in sex-therapy. Journal of the British Association for Sexual and relationship Therapy, 19, 28-32.
Brody, S., Laan, E., & van Lunsen, R. H. W. (2003).Concordance between women’s physiological and subjective sexual arousal is associated with consistency of orgasm during intercourse but not other sexual behavior. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 29, 15-23.
Brody, S., & Preut, R. (2003).Vaginal intercourse frequency and heart rate variability. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 29, 371-380.
Les publications en turc sur la TSF
Taş, Ertuğrul, Karayağız Şaban, Subaşı, Zeliha, Öner, Gökalp (2018). Sexual Behaviour in Turkish Women: Kayseri Case, Medical Journal of Mugla Sitki Kocman University, 5(3):31-36.
Karayağız, Şaban, Taş Ertuğrul, Subaşı Zeliha (2019). Demographic factors, sexual identity and sexuual functioning of turkish heterosexual males. Turkis Studies, 14(2), 539-551., Doi: 10.7827
Öztürk, Onur, Ünal, Mustafa, Taş Ertuğrul (2017). Premature Female Orgasm and Treatment in Primary Care Office with SaomeEasy Methods. Smyrna Medikal Journal. N:1.
Taş, Ertuğrul (2016). Cinsel İşlev Bozuklukları ve Cinsel Terapi, in Cinsel Sağlık EğitimiEditör: Kurtman Ersanlı, Hatice Kumcağız, 225-263, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
Taş, Ertuğrul, Batık Vural, Meryem, Öztürk Onur (2018). Transsective Identity Transition In Lesbian Sexual Dırectıons And Clinical Case Study On The Future Of The Lesbian Relatıonship, Konuralp Tıp Dergisi.
Taş, Ertuğrul (2019). Vajinismus, Vaka Uygulamalı Seksofonksiyonel Cinsel Terapi Yaklaşımı, Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
Taş, Ertuğrul ve Çağlar Mustafa (2020). Erkek Cinsellik İstemezse, Cinsel İstek Eksikliği ve Seksofonksiyonel Tedavi Yaklaşımı, Ankara: Kırmızı Çatı.